17 February 2011

Find your voice…make a difference…

Our very first post on this site outlined our aim – to empower you in business and life. To help you achieve success … whatever that means to you.

Recently I came across the December 2010 issue of a magazine called “Success. What Achievers Read”, and I couldn’t put it down – I started reading from cover to cover. One of the articles is an interview with Maria Shriver where she talks about her personal journey to find her “voice” as she puts it, “to become the solution, to make a difference”. Maria discusses the definition of success and how her definition has changed throughout her life. Click here for Maria Shriver's interview in Success Magazine

Reading this article, and many others in this magazine, challenged me to consider my personal definition of success, to find my voice, to define how I want to make a difference. Have you taken the time to think about this lately?

Here at Sothertons Gladstone, we are constantly challenging our clients (and team members) to do the same…to establish their definition of success, and to articulate, with clarity, their vision for their future. What does it look like, feel like, and how driven are you towards it?

We then determine where they are now, and how they are going to achieve their goals and aspirations. This usually involves breaking down goals and projects into small, manageable tasks and actions, which can be achieved in short time-frames to keep them on target.
When we can see our future clearly, and establish realistic and practical tasks and time-frames, all of a sudden, we feel empowered, energised and focussed.

Helping others through this process allows me to find my voice…to make a difference in peoples’ lives and businesses…and that aligns to my definition of success.

Have you found your voice?

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