06 January 2015

'Time for Action' Article by Tina Zawila

Happy New Year and welcome to 2015!  At this time of the year we are flooded with messages about new year’s resolutions, goal setting, and that this is “the start of a new 365 page chapter in your book of life – make sure it’s a good one!”. 

Lots of talk, now it’s time for action
So how do you set yourself up for success in 2015?
1.       Review where you are now.  This first step is often overlooked, but sometimes you need to face where you are now to know where you want to be in the future. 
2.       Set goals – yes, an oldie but a goodie.  Stretch yourself!  Set at least one goal that will really challenge you.  Remember, unless your goals are written down they are just wishes.  They also need to be specific and with a deadline. 
3.       Motivation will get you going, but discipline keeps you growing.  Your new year’s resolution to “get fit” might get you to the gym in January, but it is discipline that keeps you going in April and it is discipline and consistency that will reap rewards.
4.       Monitor your progress – results don’t lie.  The road from point A to point B is rarely a straight line, so make changes or try something  different, if you are veering off track.
5.       Be accountable to someone.  Identify someone who has done what you want to do and find out how they did it.  Find someone who will make sure you do what you say you will do.  It’s sometimes easy to let your self down, but most of us don’t want to let someone else down.
These simple principles apply to any goals – personal or business.
At Sothertons we are passionate about helping you achieve your goals in business and in life.  Call us today on 4972 1300 to discuss your goals and how we can monitor your progress and hold you accountable to ensure your success in 2015.

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