22 December 2015

“Don’t forget to give to others this Christmas” by Steve Marsten

Well it’s that time of the year where we are at our busiest doing as much as we can before the holiday break. Fitting in time to do the Christmas shopping, finalise the decorations and preparing to bake heaps of goodies. Christmas is all about giving and in my opinion, thinking less about ourselves and taking time out to think about others.
This year as in past years, the team at Sothertons has chosen to prepare a basket of food and gifts for a family of four - a single mum and her three children. This year has been a more difficult year for the Gladstone region with many people losing their jobs and there seems to be more families than ever struggling with the current sluggish economy.
We are thankful we have jobs and as a result, we always practice giving back. It’s always easy to help another. We can’t always solve other people’s problems, however we can take the time to smile and brighten someone’s day.
It’s a time when doing the things to others, that you would want them to do for you - really makes sense.
Though many think that Christmas is about the presents, the tree, the lights and the good food, I feel it’s actually about the satisfaction you get from people being happy to receive something, especially if with our changing economic times, everyone is asking for help in some form. There are as many reasons to give, as there are ways to give.
And at the end of the day if you can’t afford to give a gift, we should just remember that there are many people who just want you to stop and take the time to listen and be present for them.
Always remember when giving we enhance our sense of aliveness in others while enriching our own.

The team at Sothertons wishes everyone a safe and happy Christmas break. See you in the New Year.

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