22 September 2015

“Dangerous Technology” by Tina Zawila

How many emails and text messages do you send/receive a day?
How many are sent to you that you didn’t receive, so you don’t even know about them?

How are all of these electronic messages affecting you and your relationships?

Just this week, I have heard half a dozen stories of how this electronic form of communication has led to misunderstanding, frustration and even damaged relationships.

It can be as simple as this – you send an email or text to someone asking them an important question or requesting that they do something for you.  Then you wait patiently for a reply.  Depending on the urgency, within hours, days or weeks, you become frustrated or disappointed that they haven’t replied or acted.  Eventually you might pick up the phone or you might bump into them in person and you finally ask why they didn’t reply to you, only to discover that they did not receive the message at all!   So your frustration, disappointment, anger or even feelings of resentment are totally unfounded, all due to the failure of technology, and dare I say it, the failure of our ability to communicate effectively with one another.

We are all living in a fast-paced society where efficiency and the effective use technology seem to be the Holy Grail.  We are all trying to “get things done” and dare I say even “document” all of our conversations  via email or text message.  However, in this pursuit of efficiency, I believe we are losing the art of communication and the sacrificing the reward of building genuine relationships with other human beings.  And in my opinion this is the danger of technology.

In a business environment these mishaps with electronic communication can have disastrous consequences and damage relationships that you have worked hard to nurture.  My advice, let’s get back to picking up the phone, or catching up face to face and use electronic communication carefully. 

Call us at Sothertons Gladstone on 49721300.

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