By Tina Zawila

In particular, the Chair of the Tax Practitioners Board
advised that the ATO will be focusing on several areas this year, but in
particular he noted work related expenses claimed by salary and wage earners
and the black economy.
Now you may think that the black economy has nothing to do
with you, as we typically associate the black economy with the big end of town
– the giant corporations who don’t pay their fair share of tax. However, the facts are, that the black
economy represents 3% of our economy at A$50billion, of which corporate tax
losses from multinationals is only A$3billion. You may also think of drugs, illicit tobacco,
counterfeit goods, unregulated offshore gambling etc, however, it is actually understated
business income that represents a significant portion of the black economy
We are all aware of the cash economy and unconsciously many
of us participate – how many of you ask a tradie or a retailer “how much if I
pay cash?”, expecting a lower price? The
problem with this common practice is that it promotes an unfair playing field
where the businesses who do the right thing are at a commercial disadvantage.
The Black Economy Taskforce gathered evidence from many
sources including contractors who are outbid on contracts in various industries
because they don’t make cash payments to their workers and contractors. Many of them are completely frustrated that
their ability to earn their income was being undermined by people who were just
aggressively under-pricing and cheating.
The Taskforce final report argued for a “near non-cash
world”, however the government didn’t quite embrace that concept. They did accept many of the report’s
recommendations including things like an economy-wide cash payment limit of
$10,000, a ban on electronic sales suppression tools, making businesses report
payments to contactors in high-risk industries, and extending ATO audit and compliance programs.
So we can expect to see an increase in ATO audit activity
regarding cash transactions, contractor payments and “sham” ABN’s used by
people who are engaged as contractors when they should be employees.
If you need further advice or assistance with tax compliance
or reporting obligations contact the professional team at UHY Haines Norton on
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