03 January 2018

Buy Local

By Joe Smith

Recently I was interviewed as Treasurer for the Gladstone Chamber of Commerce regarding the benefits of buying locally at Christmas. However it should be an all year round mindset to think first about buying local and maybe a New Year resolution! 

When you buy from a local small business you are contributing not only to that business – there are various other benefits that flow through to the local community! The first thing we think of is jobs. The local business will most likely employ local people who in turn will spend their wages in the local community which has a compound effect which is required if our region is going to be self sustainable.

Depending on the type of business, many of them will employ and train apprentices which is a vital part which contributes to the local economy. If these businesses can't employ apprentices such as electricians, plumbers, carpenters or hairdressers we will have a shortage of skilled tradespeople locally in future. And our children will then have issues finding jobs in in these trades.

Local businesses also put significant amounts back into the local community via sponsorship of sporting teams and not for profit organisations. This reduces the costs to us when we register ourselves or our kids for a sporting team the sponsorship funds are put towards buying kits or equipment to be used.

There is always an argument that it is more expensive to buy locally. However have people arguing this point gone to the effort of contacting a local business to see what the best deal is that they can do? If you are going to the effort to find cheaper prices online then it will be worth a 2 minute phone call to a local business.

The other thing to consider is delivery charges and the environmental impact of getting the products to your front door.

I am not suggesting that absolutely everything you buy can or should be bought locally. What I would suggest is that you think of buying local first and give the local businesses a chance.

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