Tina Zawila

all over the country take annual leave to go the Cup itself, or to attend a
function or race day locally.
So what does this lost time cost business and our economy? Clearly there is a loss of productivity, and for retailers business is slow at best, or even non-existent after lunch.
for employers who embrace the Cup and take the opportunity to reward their team
with some extra time over lunch and/or organise a team event/luncheon, what
does this do to boost morale and promote employee loyalty? Often the
value of this flow on effect cannot be accurately estimated or measured.
benefits of a happy and engaged team are often qualitative rather than
quantitative however, there is a mountain of anecdotal evidence which proves
that quantitative business results improve when employee turnover is low and
moral is high.
don’t leave roles, they leave people. Looking after your team, offering
them regular (even small) rewards will reap significant benefits. The
cost of recruitment is often much higher than the investment in rewarding and
nurturing your team.
us know what you do to reward your team. Call Sothertons Gladstone on 49721300.
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