In recent years
there has been a surge in motor vehicle expenditure claims as deductions
against wages income and small business revenues. Between 2009 and 2014 the
increase was over 30%. Now in some cases the ATO seems to think there is
something sinister behind this increase, however I suggest that if they investigate
a little further they will find that the rise in deductions is a reflection of
the changing work patterns and the fact that many small business owners are
simply a lot more mobile. Gone are the days of the simple 9 to 5 office hours.
So previously
taxpayers had the option of claiming under four different methods. If you
travelled over 5,000 kilometres for business or work related travel in your own
car, you could choose from the following:
The Log Book method
One third of costs method
12% of the car value method or
The statutory (cents/Klm) method up to 5000 kilometres
From the 1st
July, 2015 the ATO is scrapping the One Third of cost and the 12% of value
methods. This leaves the simple statutory method and the more comprehensive
logbook approach.
The other issue
that is we feel is a bigger concern, is the changes that are planned for the
cents per kilometre method. Previously taxpayers who drove vehicles larger than
1.6 litres could claim 76c or 77c per kilometre. The new rate is just 66c
regardless of the size of your vehicle. This change in cents per kilometre will
impact on many taxpayers and many have not realised that this issue will have
the impact of reducing tax claims by up to 15%.
That said it is our
advice that it might be time to consider completing a logbook. Yes it will only
be useful if you travel more then 5000 klms for income producing purposes but it
only needs to be completed for a 12 week period and it can last for 5 years
once it’s finalised. This should be completed before 30th June in
order to be useful for your 2016 tax.
At Sothertons we
ensure that taxpayers are aware of how best to organise your tax records to
minimise your tax legitimately. Give our experienced team a call on 4972 1300.
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