By Steve Marsten
there has been a fair bit of discussion about which taxes Businesses hate the
most. The answer from the feedback we hear from business owners is fairly

Governments Treasury Department have released a report suggesting that businesses
are fairly ambivalent about payroll tax. I’d love to know who on earth they
spoke to or whether it was a discussion held in the hallowed halls of the
Treasury Building around the water cooler! They suggest Payroll Tax is not a
disincentive to grow. But that’s not what SME’s are telling us when we talk to
them about their businesses. It halts business growth to a large extent. The
Tax also makes some businesses less competitive as a result of an additional
overhead for being successful. It’s potentially a success tax and represents
around 4% additional costs on your payroll bill. Many look to avoid reaching
the threshold because they don’t want to incur this impost.
State has their own Payroll Tax rates and unfortunately it’s unlikely the
States will make a move on payroll tax unless the Federal government introduces
a replacement revenue stream at a federal level.
to ABS data, in 2016, payroll taxes raised $22.7 billion or about 28 per cent
of total taxation revenue for all states.
already angst because of assessment inconsistencies from State to State and
it’s very much a state-based tax, so it’s up to the states individually to
decide what they do with payroll tax, and given the dollars that flow, it is
unlikely they will find an alternative funding source.
should always remember that the GST was supposed to be the additional cashflow
to States but the States never got around to getting rid of the dreaded Payroll
Tax. And of course now they feel that the current level GST is not enough. Wouldn’t we love the Governments
of Australia to live within their means? Mr Turnbull consider this in your
upcoming budget please.
more information about payroll tax and other taxes call the team at sothertons
on 07 4972 1300.