One thing we advise our retail clients is to remember what your
customers are looking for from your products and services. They want a
solution! No joke – this is why it’s crucial to see things through your customers
eyes. Many retailers often think that customers are just out to buy socks,
diaries or chocolates or whatever nice thing you have on your shelf when really
what they are actually buying is a feeling of relief!
As a retailer we want to stack our shelves with all the products that
make the AAAARGH-I-DON’T-KNOW-WHAT- TO-BUY! feeling disappear. Great retailers
have already been liaising with customers earlier in the year and have been
keeping an eye on what’s been selling in other parts of the world over the
summer season to gauge the trends. No - there is no guarantee its works in
Australia however its worth tracking and filling your store with some of these
items. Maybe your customers would like items of a particular colour or a
different size. This requires your business to be adaptable. Christmas is the
best time to bring out new twists in your best selling items.
I had one client indicate that they hadn’t had time to “dress the store
up” for Christmas. Big mistake! You must let some Christmas spirit into your
business. Your packaging and your catalogue should have already been prepared
with a seasonal look.
Another made the point that they felt that “all the best Christmas
products have already been done. So how I do I compete?” Yep that maybe true.
Everything has been done before. Everything! But not necessarily by you!
Customers don’t necessarily want you to sell incredibly new products however
they love seeing new things in YOUR shop.
And finally the classic – “we have been run off our feet – I think we
will shut up early this year!” No -this is the time to make hay and maximise
your top line. Keep smiling and keep your team smiling and look after each and
every customer for as long as you can until you really really have to shut the
door on the 24th December!
At Sothertons, we know December is hard work for retailers however its
usually the best time to boost that top line. Call us for more tips on 4972 1300
and we hope you all have a very Merry Christmas and a safe and Happy new Year.