So how do I manage
to take a week off at this time of the year?
In the weeks leading up to my holiday, and in particular, in the days before
I leave, I turn into a laser-focussed, highly productive, super efficient,
working machine!
- I plan my days better, and actually do what I say I will do. My “to do” list each day is challenging, but not impossible, and it’s not a long list of what I’d like to get to, but instead a shorter list of what I will do.
- I communicate with my team more clearly about what we need to do and what our priorities are. This keeps us accountable to each other and on task.
- I make clear decisions about what I say yes to, and what I have to delegate or defer until I return. I don’t try to do it all myself, and I become more realistic about what I can achieve.
- Meetings run on time and within the allotted time period – no waffling or straying from the agenda.
Imagine if we all
worked like we were going on holidays next week every week! Our productivity would sky-rocket, we would
achieve more, our team would know exactly what is expected of them, we would
meet deadlines and finish projects, and we would have happy clients!
Then we could relax
and enjoy our time off (or our even just our weekend), knowing that we had
achieved what we set out to do.
At Sothertons, we
are here to help you in business and in life.
Call us on 4972 1300 if you would like to improve your productivity or
that of your team.