new financial year is almost upon us! By
now, you should have done” all you can do” to make 2013 a success and
implemented your tax minimisation strategies.

budget is the only instrument that can give financial reality to your goals,
objectives, strategies, priorities and plans.
A budget is the numerical expression of your plans for the next and
future years.
budget process should consist of at least three main parts:
1. Forecasting revenue (sales) and expenditure
2. Recording actual revenue and expenditure
3. Reporting and acting on any variances
(differences) between the two.

budget which incorporates working capital requirements provides an even more
useful management tool. It provides a
clear indication of your working capital requirements, your desired stock
levels and expected debtor and creditor balances based on desired credit terms. Generally speaking, businesses struggle with
cashflow more than they struggle with profitability. Therefore, a budget which considers your cash
position helps you prepare for those “ups and downs” that are common within
many businesses.

you set goals and targets to achieve over the next 12 months?
you consider your cash position for those “ups and downs” throughout the year?
you have a procedure in place to monitor your budget on a regular basis?
strongly encourage all business owners to invest the time in creating a budget
and then use it proactively. Contact the
team at Sothertons Gladstone on 4972 1300 for professional assistance and
advice in creating your 2013/14 financial road map.